Mandatory Membership

posting date Revised: March 2022 print page Print this page Email link to page Email the link

The OPSEU Pension Plan text (Article 3.1) identifies several categories of employment and union representation under which individuals are required to become members of the plan. All new employees who meet these criteria must be enrolled in the Plan on their date of hire. 

Mandatory membership applies to employees who have not yet attained age 65 and who:

  • work for an Ontario government ministry or scheduled agency in the Ontario Public Service in permanent classified positions (including full-time, regular part-time and probationary employees) and who are represented by OPSEU
  • are permanently employed by one of the following organizations and represented by OPSEU:
    • Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario
    • Liquor Control Board of Ontario
    • New Democratic Party Caucus
    • Niagara Parks Commission
    • Ontario Pension Board
    • Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
    • Liquor Control Board of Ontario and are represented by the Ontario Liquor Board Employees' Division (LBED) of OPSEU
    • Centre Jules-Leger
    • Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA)
    • Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation
  • are permanently employed by OPSEU Pension Trust.

icon Important! Employers must complete the enrolment procedure for all new employees who are required to join the Plan.

important icon Re-enrolling in the Plan may be mandatory or optional for re-employed OPTrust pensioners, depending on the terms of the individual’s employment.


Once OPTrust receives the completed Membership Enrolment (OPTrust 1005) form, we will email a Welcome Notice to each newly enrolled member. This package includes detailed information about the OPSEU Pension Plan.


Special Case: “Grandfathered” Members

In certain divestment situations, employees who are members of the OPSEU Pension Plan at the time of the divestment are allowed to remain as active members in the Plan until their termination or retirement. Members who fall into this “grandfathered” category include employees of the following organizations who are represented by OPSEU:

  • Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH)
  • St. Joseph’s Care Group
  • North Bay Regional Health Centre
  • Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion
  • Ontario Shores for Mental Health Services
  • Providence Care
  • Waypoint Centre for Mental Health

*for current life of CBA

However, employees hired by these organizations after the effective date of the divestment are not eligible for membership and cannot be enrolled in the OPSEU Pension Plan.