Optional Membership
Under the terms of the OPSEU Pension Plan, employees who do not meet the criteria for mandatory membership may have the option of joining the Plan voluntarily at any time starting from the employee’s first day of employment.1 Elective membership is an option for individuals who are represented by OPSEU and are employed on a non-permanent basis:
- by the Crown under the Public Service Act (i.e. unclassified employees in the Ontario Public Service)
- by an agency, board, commission, foundation or organization that was a participating employer in the Public Service Pension Plan before December 31, 1994
- by an agency that was a participating employer in the OPSEU Pension Plan after December 31, 1994
Important! Employees who elect to join the plan voluntarily cannot cancel their membership at a later date unless they terminate their employment and membership or retire.
Once OPTrust receives the signed Membership Enrolment form (OPTrust 1005) the member is assumed to be enrolled in the pension plan and cannot end his or her membership without also terminating employment. The plan membership date (PMD) will be the date pension contributions start and deductions are remitted to OPTrust.
Important! Employers are required to inform eligible employees of their option to join the Plan. Employers should provide these employees with a copy of the booklet It’s Your Pension and refer them to the OPTrust website (www.optrust.com) or our Member and Pensioner Services staff (416-681-6100 or 1-800-637-0024) for additional information about the Plan.
Additional information for employees who have the option of enrolling voluntarily includes the brochure Consider Joining the OPSEU Pension Plan, An Investment in Your Future, and the video Investing in your Future.
1 OPSEU Pension Plan Text, Article 3.1.