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Climate Change

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Continuing our commitment to transparency and disclosure: Read our 2023-24 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures to learn more about the work underway in our enhanced climate change strategy.
See highlights from our climate change journey to learn more about the work underway in our enhanced climate change strategy.
Building a resilient portfolio for the long term: Our Climate Change Strategy in Action
Designing a Climate Metrics Framework for investment portfolios
Preparing our Portfolio for the Future: Integrating Climate Scenarios into Asset-Liability Management

The global path to net zero

The world economy is on a highly complex, multi-decade transition to one that produces fewer greenhouse gases and is adapted to the impacts of a changing climate.

To deliver on our mandate over the long term, OPTrust is committed to building a portfolio that addresses the risks and seizes the opportunities presented by the global transition to a net-zero economy.

Forest with abstract squares
Buildings with trees

OPTrust's approach

Our dedication to managing climate risk is a core piece of our long-standing Responsible Investing program. We endeavour to increasingly embed climate risks, alongside other material ESG factors, into the way we do business across the organization to ensure we rise to the challenge as investment best practices evolve in the decades ahead.

Alison Loat

"Delivering our mission alongside a changing climate requires the effort and engagement of every department. We are dedicated to working together, and in collaboration with our investment partners and other asset owners, to ensure our portfolio’s continued resilience."

Alison Loat
Senior Managing Director, Sustainable Investing and Innovation

The following climate change beliefs guide our decision-making and the implementation and evolution of our climate change strategy.


We recognize addressing plan sustainability requires addressing climate sustainability.


We must anticipate change and evolve.


We will find opportunities across transition pathways.


We are active owners and will engage with companies and in investor collaborations to address climate risks and opportunities.


We will be transparent to preserve the trust of our members and stakeholders.

Our ambition and strategy

In 2022 we released our enhanced climate change strategy with a plan and ambition to build a resilient portfolio aligned with the global economy's path towards net zero. Our strategy is designed with one purpose in mind: to protect our pension promise over the long term.

OPTrust climate change strategy thumbnail

Read about our enhanced climate change strategy

Thumbnail of FAQs: Our climate change strategy in action

FAQs: Our Climate Change Strategy in Action

Thumbnail of Highlights from our climate change journey

Highlights from our climate change journey

Working together

The global path to net zero will present unprecedented challenges and opportunities, demanding investors work together to find solutions. We work collaboratively with many organizations, including:

Canadian Coalition for Good Governance logo CDP logo Ceres logo Climate Action 100 logo UNPRI logo SHARE logo Thinking Ahead Institute logo Transition Pathway Initiative logo ICPM logo

Our long-standing commitment to climate change

We are committed to understanding the impacts of climate change on our portfolio and have embarked on several initiatives over the past few years to enrich our perspective on the risks and opportunities it presents. Highlighted here are previous reports/research papers published by us, including those with partners in the financial industry.

With net assets of $25 billion, OPTrust invests and manages one of Canada's largest pension funds and administers the OPSEU Pension Plan (including OPTrust Select), a defined benefit plan with over 111,000 members.


1 Adelaide Street East, Suite 2900
Toronto, Ontario M5C 3A7

Tel: 416 681-6161 in Toronto
1 800 906-7738 toll-free in Canada
