Frequently Asked Questions

Can a contract fixed-term or casual employee join the pension plan?

A. Yes. If you are an OPSEU-represented employee and your employer contributes to the OPSEU Pension Plan, you have the option to join.

What are the benefits of joining the plan?

A. Contract fixed-term and casual staff receive the same benefits as permanent employees when they join the Plan. As an OPTrust member:

  • you will receive a pension payable for life
  • your employer matches your contributions to the pension plan
  • your pension will be adjusted for inflation annually
  • your surviving spouse receives 60% of your pension for his or her lifetime, at no cost to you
  • if you leave your job, you can move your pension to an RRSP or other pension plan, or leave it with OPTrust
  • you may qualify for early retirement options.
When do contributions to the pension plan start?

A. After completing the enrolment form to join the pension plan, contributions start as soon as OPTrust receives the form and your employer sets up the payroll deductions.

How much will I be contributing? 

A. Contributions are calculated at two salary levels:

  • 9.4% of your earnings up to $61,600
  • 11% of your earnings above $61,600

Based on an annual salary of $70,000, your contributions would be $6,714.40 in 2021. See our booklet It’s Your Pension for more information.

How do I sign up to join the pension plan?

A. To enroll, ask your employer to complete a Membership Enrolment form. This lets OPTrust know that both you and your employer will be contributing to the pension plan. Once we receive the form, we can set up your membership and deductions will start.

Please note that once you join the plan, you cannot change your mind and end your membership. Your membership in the plan only stops when you are no longer working or retire.

I've been a contract employee for several years. Can my past service be included in my pension?

A. You have the choice to buy back pension service for past service with your employer. You and your employer need to complete an Application for Past Pension Service (OPTrust 1036) form to start the process. Contributions for this service are also matched by your employer. For more information, refer to OPTrust's fact sheet Buying Back Pension Service.