Pension Information Sessions
OPTrust’s pension information sessions are a great way to learn more about your pension plan - directly from an OPTrust representative through live video sessions or recorded webinar.
You've worked hard to save for your pension and now it's time to enjoy it. But first a few things to get you retirement ready.
Attend a live webinar session or watch the pre-recorded webinar
Learn how to qualify for insured benefits and the health coverage plans offered by the Government of Ontario.
Attend a live webinar session or watch the pre-recorded webinar
If you retire before age 65, the OPSEU Pension Plan provides you with a CPP bridge benefit until the month in which you turn 65.
The bridge benefit is truly that – a bridge for the gap between early retirement and the age you are eligible to begin receiving your full CPP pension. We encourage you to watch the video.
Are you a new OPTrust member? Have you taken an unpaid leave of absence recently? If so, applying to buy back pension service in the Plan could be one of the best financial decisions you can make.
This short video explains how eligible periods of past service can increase the value of your pension.
Did you know you don’t have to be married for your partner to receive survivor benefits? This video covers common law relationships and survivor benefits for your pension.
More detailed information is available in our fact sheet How to Prove Your Spousal Relationship.
Did you know your pension provides valuable benefits for your survivors? This video covers who qualifies to receive benefits when you die, including your spouse, eligible children and anyone you designate as your beneficiary, such as relatives, friends or an organization.