Forms - Members
Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to download the form you need. Send the signed form to:
OPSEU Pension Trust
1 Adelaide Street East, Suite 2900
Toronto, ON M5C 3A7
Fax: (416) 681-6175
Download the form you require by choosing one of topics below:
Personal information
Beneficiaries and survivor benefits
- Application for Increased Survivor Pension (OPTrust 1006) form
- Declaration of Spousal Relationship (OPTrust 1059) form
- Declaration of Attendance at a Secondary or Post-Secondary Institution (OPTrust 1031) form
- Disabled Child Information (OPTrust 1065) form
- Member Spousal Information and Beneficiary Designation (OPTrust 1015) form
Buybacks and leaves of absence
- Application for Past Pension Service (OPTrust 1036) form
- Application to Contribute for an Unpaid Leave of Absence (OPTrust 1025) form
- Non-Ontario Public Service Pension Service and Earnings Information (OPTrust BB101)
- RRSP Direct Transfer (T2033) form for transferring funds to OPTrust when buying back service credit
Temporary part-time work arrangements
Marital status
Medical and disability
Leaving your job
Waivers for retirement planning
Shortened Life Expectancy